// Copyright 2012 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright 2009-2011 Andreas Krennmair. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license // that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source // tree. // // +build !windows package pcap import ( "errors" "os" "sync" "syscall" "time" "unsafe" "github.com/google/gopacket" "github.com/google/gopacket/layers" ) /* #cgo solaris LDFLAGS: -L /opt/local/lib -lpcap #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -lpcap #cgo dragonfly LDFLAGS: -lpcap #cgo freebsd LDFLAGS: -lpcap #cgo openbsd LDFLAGS: -lpcap #cgo netbsd LDFLAGS: -lpcap #cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -lpcap #include #include #include // Some old versions of pcap don't define this constant. #ifndef PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN #define PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN 0xffffffff #endif // libpcap doesn't actually export its version in a #define-guardable way, // so we have to use other defined things to differentiate versions. // We assume at least libpcap v1.1 at the moment. // See http://upstream-tracker.org/versions/libpcap.html #ifndef PCAP_ERROR_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NOTSUP // < v1.5 #define PCAP_ERROR_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NOTSUP -12 int pcap_set_immediate_mode(pcap_t *p, int mode) { return PCAP_ERROR; } // libpcap version < v1.5 doesn't have timestamp precision (everything is microsecond) // // This means *_tstamp_* functions and macros are missing. Therefore, we emulate these // functions here and pretend the setting the precision works. This is actually the way // the pcap_open_offline_with_tstamp_precision works, because it doesn't return an error // if it was not possible to set the precision, which depends on support by the given file. // => The rest of the functions always pretend as if they could set nano precision and // verify the actual precision with pcap_get_tstamp_precision, which is emulated for #ifdef __OpenBSD__ #define gopacket_time_secs_t u_int32_t #define gopacket_time_usecs_t u_int32_t #else #define gopacket_time_secs_t time_t #define gopacket_time_usecs_t suseconds_t #endif #endif // The things we do to avoid pointers escaping to the heap... // According to https://github.com/the-tcpdump-group/libpcap/blob/1131a7c26c6f4d4772e4a2beeaf7212f4dea74ac/pcap.c#L398-L406 , // the return value of pcap_next_ex could be greater than 1 for success. // Let's just make it 1 if it comes bigger than 1. int pcap_next_ex_escaping(pcap_t *p, uintptr_t pkt_hdr, uintptr_t pkt_data) { int ex = pcap_next_ex(p, (struct pcap_pkthdr**)(pkt_hdr), (const u_char**)(pkt_data)); if (ex > 1) { ex = 1; } return ex; } int pcap_offline_filter_escaping(struct bpf_program *fp, uintptr_t pkt_hdr, uintptr_t pkt) { return pcap_offline_filter(fp, (struct pcap_pkthdr*)(pkt_hdr), (const u_char*)(pkt)); } // pcap_wait returns when the next packet is available or the timeout expires. // Since it uses pcap_get_selectable_fd, it will not work in Windows. int pcap_wait(pcap_t *p, int usec) { fd_set fds; int fd; struct timeval tv; fd = pcap_get_selectable_fd(p); if(fd < 0) { return fd; } FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = usec; if(usec != 0) { return select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); } // block indefinitely if no timeout provided return select(fd+1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL); } // libpcap version < v1.5 doesn't have timestamp precision (everything is microsecond) // see pcap.go for an explanation of why precision is ignored #ifndef PCAP_ERROR_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NOTSUP // < v1.5 pcap_t *pcap_fopen_offline_with_tstamp_precision(FILE *fp, u_int precision, char *errbuf) { return pcap_fopen_offline(fp, errbuf); } #endif // < v1.5 */ import "C" const errorBufferSize = C.PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE const ( pcapErrorNotActivated = C.PCAP_ERROR_NOT_ACTIVATED pcapErrorActivated = C.PCAP_ERROR_ACTIVATED pcapWarningPromisc = C.PCAP_WARNING_PROMISC_NOTSUP pcapErrorNoSuchDevice = C.PCAP_ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE pcapErrorDenied = C.PCAP_ERROR_PERM_DENIED pcapErrorNotUp = C.PCAP_ERROR_IFACE_NOT_UP pcapWarning = C.PCAP_WARNING pcapDIN = C.PCAP_D_IN pcapDOUT = C.PCAP_D_OUT pcapDINOUT = C.PCAP_D_INOUT pcapNetmaskUnknown = C.PCAP_NETMASK_UNKNOWN pcapTstampPrecisionMicro = C.PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_MICRO pcapTstampPrecisionNano = C.PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NANO ) type pcapPkthdr C.struct_pcap_pkthdr type pcapTPtr *C.struct_pcap type pcapBpfProgram C.struct_bpf_program func (h *pcapPkthdr) getSec() int64 { return int64(h.ts.tv_sec) } func (h *pcapPkthdr) getUsec() int64 { return int64(h.ts.tv_usec) } func (h *pcapPkthdr) getLen() int { return int(h.len) } func (h *pcapPkthdr) getCaplen() int { return int(h.caplen) } func pcapGetTstampPrecision(cptr pcapTPtr) int { return int(C.pcap_get_tstamp_precision(cptr)) } func pcapSetTstampPrecision(cptr pcapTPtr, precision int) error { ret := C.pcap_set_tstamp_precision(cptr, C.int(precision)) if ret < 0 { return errors.New(C.GoString(C.pcap_geterr(cptr))) } return nil } func statusError(status C.int) error { return errors.New(C.GoString(C.pcap_statustostr(status))) } func pcapOpenLive(device string, snaplen int, pro int, timeout int) (*Handle, error) { buf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) dev := C.CString(device) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(dev)) cptr := C.pcap_open_live(dev, C.int(snaplen), C.int(pro), C.int(timeout), buf) if cptr == nil { return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return &Handle{cptr: cptr}, nil } func openOffline(file string) (handle *Handle, err error) { buf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) cf := C.CString(file) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cf)) cptr := C.pcap_open_offline_with_tstamp_precision(cf, C.PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NANO, buf) if cptr == nil { return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return &Handle{cptr: cptr}, nil } func (p *Handle) pcapClose() { if p.cptr != nil { C.pcap_close(p.cptr) } p.cptr = nil } func (p *Handle) pcapGeterr() error { return errors.New(C.GoString(C.pcap_geterr(p.cptr))) } func (p *Handle) pcapStats() (*Stats, error) { var cstats C.struct_pcap_stat if C.pcap_stats(p.cptr, &cstats) < 0 { return nil, p.pcapGeterr() } return &Stats{ PacketsReceived: int(cstats.ps_recv), PacketsDropped: int(cstats.ps_drop), PacketsIfDropped: int(cstats.ps_ifdrop), }, nil } // for libpcap < 1.8 pcap_compile is NOT thread-safe, so protect it. var pcapCompileMu sync.Mutex func (p *Handle) pcapCompile(expr string, maskp uint32) (pcapBpfProgram, error) { var bpf pcapBpfProgram cexpr := C.CString(expr) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cexpr)) pcapCompileMu.Lock() defer pcapCompileMu.Unlock() if C.pcap_compile(p.cptr, (*C.struct_bpf_program)(&bpf), cexpr, 1, C.bpf_u_int32(maskp)) < 0 { return bpf, p.pcapGeterr() } return bpf, nil } func (p pcapBpfProgram) free() { C.pcap_freecode((*C.struct_bpf_program)(&p)) } func (p pcapBpfProgram) toBPFInstruction() []BPFInstruction { bpfInsn := (*[bpfInstructionBufferSize]C.struct_bpf_insn)(unsafe.Pointer(p.bf_insns))[0:p.bf_len:p.bf_len] bpfInstruction := make([]BPFInstruction, len(bpfInsn), len(bpfInsn)) for i, v := range bpfInsn { bpfInstruction[i].Code = uint16(v.code) bpfInstruction[i].Jt = uint8(v.jt) bpfInstruction[i].Jf = uint8(v.jf) bpfInstruction[i].K = uint32(v.k) } return bpfInstruction } func pcapBpfProgramFromInstructions(bpfInstructions []BPFInstruction) pcapBpfProgram { var bpf pcapBpfProgram bpf.bf_len = C.u_int(len(bpfInstructions)) cbpfInsns := C.calloc(C.size_t(len(bpfInstructions)), C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(bpfInstructions[0]))) gbpfInsns := (*[bpfInstructionBufferSize]C.struct_bpf_insn)(cbpfInsns) for i, v := range bpfInstructions { gbpfInsns[i].code = C.u_short(v.Code) gbpfInsns[i].jt = C.u_char(v.Jt) gbpfInsns[i].jf = C.u_char(v.Jf) gbpfInsns[i].k = C.bpf_u_int32(v.K) } bpf.bf_insns = (*C.struct_bpf_insn)(cbpfInsns) return bpf } func pcapLookupnet(device string) (netp, maskp uint32, err error) { errorBuf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(errorBuf)) dev := C.CString(device) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(dev)) if C.pcap_lookupnet( dev, (*C.bpf_u_int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&netp)), (*C.bpf_u_int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&maskp)), errorBuf, ) < 0 { return 0, 0, errors.New(C.GoString(errorBuf)) // We can't lookup the network, but that could be because the interface // doesn't have an IPv4. } return } func (b *BPF) pcapOfflineFilter(ci gopacket.CaptureInfo, data []byte) bool { hdr := (*C.struct_pcap_pkthdr)(&b.hdr) hdr.ts.tv_sec = C.gopacket_time_secs_t(ci.Timestamp.Unix()) hdr.ts.tv_usec = C.gopacket_time_usecs_t(ci.Timestamp.Nanosecond() / 1000) hdr.caplen = C.bpf_u_int32(len(data)) // Trust actual length over ci.Length. hdr.len = C.bpf_u_int32(ci.Length) dataptr := (*C.u_char)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])) return C.pcap_offline_filter_escaping((*C.struct_bpf_program)(&b.bpf), C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(hdr))), C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dataptr)))) != 0 } func (p *Handle) pcapSetfilter(bpf pcapBpfProgram) error { if C.pcap_setfilter(p.cptr, (*C.struct_bpf_program)(&bpf)) < 0 { return p.pcapGeterr() } return nil } func (p *Handle) pcapListDatalinks() (datalinks []Datalink, err error) { var dltbuf *C.int n := int(C.pcap_list_datalinks(p.cptr, &dltbuf)) if n < 0 { return nil, p.pcapGeterr() } defer C.pcap_free_datalinks(dltbuf) datalinks = make([]Datalink, n) dltArray := (*[1 << 28]C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(dltbuf)) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { datalinks[i].Name = pcapDatalinkValToName(int((*dltArray)[i])) datalinks[i].Description = pcapDatalinkValToDescription(int((*dltArray)[i])) } return datalinks, nil } func pcapOpenDead(linkType layers.LinkType, captureLength int) (*Handle, error) { cptr := C.pcap_open_dead(C.int(linkType), C.int(captureLength)) if cptr == nil { return nil, errors.New("error opening dead capture") } return &Handle{cptr: cptr}, nil } func (p *Handle) pcapNextPacketEx() NextError { // This horrible magic allows us to pass a ptr-to-ptr to pcap_next_ex // without causing that ptr-to-ptr to itself be allocated on the heap. // Since Handle itself survives through the duration of the pcap_next_ex // call, this should be perfectly safe for GC stuff, etc. return NextError(C.pcap_next_ex_escaping(p.cptr, C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&p.pkthdr))), C.uintptr_t(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&p.bufptr))))) } func (p *Handle) pcapDatalink() layers.LinkType { return layers.LinkType(C.pcap_datalink(p.cptr)) } func (p *Handle) pcapSetDatalink(dlt layers.LinkType) error { if C.pcap_set_datalink(p.cptr, C.int(dlt)) < 0 { return p.pcapGeterr() } return nil } func pcapDatalinkValToName(dlt int) string { return C.GoString(C.pcap_datalink_val_to_name(C.int(dlt))) } func pcapDatalinkValToDescription(dlt int) string { return C.GoString(C.pcap_datalink_val_to_description(C.int(dlt))) } func pcapDatalinkNameToVal(name string) int { cptr := C.CString(name) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cptr)) return int(C.pcap_datalink_name_to_val(cptr)) } func pcapLibVersion() string { return C.GoString(C.pcap_lib_version()) } func (p *Handle) isOpen() bool { return p.cptr != nil } type pcapDevices struct { all, cur *C.pcap_if_t } func (p pcapDevices) free() { C.pcap_freealldevs((*C.pcap_if_t)(p.all)) } func (p *pcapDevices) next() bool { if p.cur == nil { p.cur = p.all if p.cur == nil { return false } return true } if p.cur.next == nil { return false } p.cur = p.cur.next return true } func (p pcapDevices) name() string { return C.GoString(p.cur.name) } func (p pcapDevices) description() string { return C.GoString(p.cur.description) } func (p pcapDevices) flags() uint32 { return uint32(p.cur.flags) } type pcapAddresses struct { all, cur *C.pcap_addr_t } func (p *pcapAddresses) next() bool { if p.cur == nil { p.cur = p.all if p.cur == nil { return false } return true } if p.cur.next == nil { return false } p.cur = p.cur.next return true } func (p pcapAddresses) addr() *syscall.RawSockaddr { return (*syscall.RawSockaddr)(unsafe.Pointer(p.cur.addr)) } func (p pcapAddresses) netmask() *syscall.RawSockaddr { return (*syscall.RawSockaddr)(unsafe.Pointer(p.cur.netmask)) } func (p pcapAddresses) broadaddr() *syscall.RawSockaddr { return (*syscall.RawSockaddr)(unsafe.Pointer(p.cur.broadaddr)) } func (p pcapAddresses) dstaddr() *syscall.RawSockaddr { return (*syscall.RawSockaddr)(unsafe.Pointer(p.cur.dstaddr)) } func (p pcapDevices) addresses() pcapAddresses { return pcapAddresses{all: p.cur.addresses} } func pcapFindAllDevs() (pcapDevices, error) { var buf *C.char buf = (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) var alldevsp pcapDevices if C.pcap_findalldevs((**C.pcap_if_t)(&alldevsp.all), buf) < 0 { return pcapDevices{}, errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return alldevsp, nil } func (p *Handle) pcapSendpacket(data []byte) error { if C.pcap_sendpacket(p.cptr, (*C.u_char)(&data[0]), (C.int)(len(data))) < 0 { return p.pcapGeterr() } return nil } func (p *Handle) pcapSetdirection(direction Direction) error { if status := C.pcap_setdirection(p.cptr, (C.pcap_direction_t)(direction)); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *Handle) pcapSnapshot() int { return int(C.pcap_snapshot(p.cptr)) } func (t TimestampSource) pcapTstampTypeValToName() string { return C.GoString(C.pcap_tstamp_type_val_to_name(C.int(t))) } func pcapTstampTypeNameToVal(s string) (TimestampSource, error) { cs := C.CString(s) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cs)) t := C.pcap_tstamp_type_name_to_val(cs) if t < 0 { return 0, statusError(t) } return TimestampSource(t), nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapGeterr() error { return errors.New(C.GoString(C.pcap_geterr(p.cptr))) } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapActivate() (*Handle, activateError) { ret := activateError(C.pcap_activate(p.cptr)) if ret != aeNoError { return nil, ret } h := &Handle{ cptr: p.cptr, } p.cptr = nil return h, ret } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapClose() { if p.cptr != nil { C.pcap_close(p.cptr) } } func pcapCreate(device string) (*InactiveHandle, error) { buf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) dev := C.CString(device) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(dev)) cptr := C.pcap_create(dev, buf) if cptr == nil { return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return &InactiveHandle{cptr: cptr}, nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetSnaplen(snaplen int) error { if status := C.pcap_set_snaplen(p.cptr, C.int(snaplen)); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetPromisc(promisc bool) error { var pro C.int if promisc { pro = 1 } if status := C.pcap_set_promisc(p.cptr, pro); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error { if status := C.pcap_set_timeout(p.cptr, C.int(timeoutMillis(timeout))); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapListTstampTypes() (out []TimestampSource) { var types *C.int n := int(C.pcap_list_tstamp_types(p.cptr, &types)) if n < 0 { return // public interface doesn't have error :( } defer C.pcap_free_tstamp_types(types) typesArray := (*[1 << 28]C.int)(unsafe.Pointer(types)) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { out = append(out, TimestampSource((*typesArray)[i])) } return } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetTstampType(t TimestampSource) error { if status := C.pcap_set_tstamp_type(p.cptr, C.int(t)); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetRfmon(monitor bool) error { var mon C.int if monitor { mon = 1 } switch canset := C.pcap_can_set_rfmon(p.cptr); canset { case 0: return CannotSetRFMon case 1: // success default: return statusError(canset) } if status := C.pcap_set_rfmon(p.cptr, mon); status != 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetBufferSize(bufferSize int) error { if status := C.pcap_set_buffer_size(p.cptr, C.int(bufferSize)); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *InactiveHandle) pcapSetImmediateMode(mode bool) error { var md C.int if mode { md = 1 } if status := C.pcap_set_immediate_mode(p.cptr, md); status < 0 { return statusError(status) } return nil } func (p *Handle) setNonBlocking() error { buf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) // Change the device to non-blocking, we'll use pcap_wait to wait until the // handle is ready to read. if v := C.pcap_setnonblock(p.cptr, 1, buf); v < -1 { return errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return nil } // waitForPacket waits for a packet or for the timeout to expire. func (p *Handle) waitForPacket() { // need to wait less than the read timeout according to pcap documentation. // timeoutMillis rounds up to at least one millisecond so we can safely // subtract up to a millisecond. usec := timeoutMillis(p.timeout) * 1000 usec -= 100 C.pcap_wait(p.cptr, C.int(usec)) } // openOfflineFile returns contents of input file as a *Handle. func openOfflineFile(file *os.File) (handle *Handle, err error) { buf := (*C.char)(C.calloc(errorBufferSize, 1)) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(buf)) cmode := C.CString("rb") defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cmode)) cf := C.fdopen(C.int(file.Fd()), cmode) cptr := C.pcap_fopen_offline_with_tstamp_precision(cf, C.PCAP_TSTAMP_PRECISION_NANO, buf) if cptr == nil { return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(buf)) } return &Handle{cptr: cptr}, nil }